Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh Yeah, I Forgot I'm Actually In School Here...

So ordinarily I will not be posting everyday…classes started today and boy oh boy am I going to have a lot of homework. So I figure I will blog as much as I can, while I can! And how could I not blog after I had the most amazing day?! I guess I will just start from the beginning. So this morning we had classes. My first was at 9:00 and it was mythology. I am going to love this class! My professor is awesome and the things we learn are so interesting. It is especially cool because we get to go out and see it all in real life! I also had an English class this morning which requires a ton of reading. I think we will read over 1,000 pages of literature in our 5 weeks of classes. Wow baby. So lots of work, but fun nonetheless. Guess what I did in between classes? Went running in Hyde Park! Ahh I can’t even believe it. It’s not every day you get to run past Italian gardens, monuments, and incredible architectural structures on a morning jog! Talk about motivation. In the afternoon we went as a group to the London museum followed by St. Paul’s Cathedral. Words cannot describe the size/power/detail/stunningness (is that a word?)of this building. I have never seen anything like it. Ya know in the old cartoons when they show someone’s jaw drop 5 feet to the floor and they literally have to pick it up and shut it closed? Well that was Brianna all day! I can’t get over how much detail is in every square inch of everything! We also got to climb 530 stairs to the top…and I thought the view from the empire state building was cool. Overall, St. Paul’s cathedral was pretty dang stunning. And to top it off, i got to feed the birds where the old lady in "Mary Poppins" feeds the birds! So guess what I did after dinner?? Okay I’ll just tell you, haha. I went and saw LES MISERABLES! Holy Hannah, talk about life changing! And man did I get teary this time. I didn’t feel quite as bad about myself when I heard the person behind me sobbing and I turned around and it was some man, haha. I could watch that play every night of my life and never get sick of it. It was/is the best! Welp, that’s it for tonight, I’m off to bed…and I fully plan on turning on my iPod and falling asleep to Les Mis 


  1. You are adorable! And I'm glad to see you are already having so much fun; jealous you saw Les Mis though, love that play!

  2. you saw les mis???? ARG! I'm so jealous!

  3. glad you made it safe, have you seen Hogwarts yet? o wait i forget your muggle, hahaha well just be careful because i read that you know who is back. but seriously i hope you having a party in the UK for real! have fun!

