Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I made it!!!!

So it is now the PM. I am so confused with the time change. It was funny because on the plane when we took off in Atlanta they served us dinner, Georgia time...then they served us breakfast London time. So we basically had both meals one right after the other. But anyways...after a 4 hour flight, a 2 hour layover, a 9 hour flight, a 45 minute train ride, and a 10 minute cab ride i finally made it! We arrived at the London center around 9:00 in the morning and they wouldn't let us go to while all of you were sleeping, i was out getting lost and confused on the tube and getting my first taste of London. First of all, London is the BOMB!!! Second of all, London is dirty! It reminds me a ton of New York, i feel like i am a smoker with all the second hand smoke I've inhaled today. But i can't complain because it is so beautiful here! I can't get over it. I went and saw Big Ben was Humungo!!!! We were only there for a few minutes so hopefully we will go back later on and spend some more time there. Third of all, London drivers are terrifying. I wanted to cover my eyes the whole cab ride--driving on the left side of the road really threw me off. Note to self: look LEFT before crossing the street! Right now everyone is unpacking, settling in, and getting ready to call it a night. Despite the sketchy comforter I am using and sheets with mysterious yellow stains i cannot wait to hit the pillow tonight! I haven't really slept since i left yesterday morning so i am feeling pretty tired. But i can't wait for tomorrow...we can basically do whatever we want so it will be a fun day. Ah i still can't believe i am here, it is so surreal. Well, i think that's it for me tonight, I'm going to go catch some serious Z's...sweet dreams!PS. The flight attendant on my first flight was a hoot. She told me a joke and i laughed my head off. Here it is: Question: Which side of a chicken has more feathers? Answer: The outside!!!! haha you know i am getting loopy when i think that is funny :)


  1. hey cute girl!!! can't wait to keep up on all the deets of your trip!! Have the best time ever!!!

  2. hi brianna jill george henry paul sam....
    i think i would wash my sheets immediately!
    have a fabulous time...i love reading your postings so keep them coming! xoxo deb

  3. Brianna! That was a funny joke. But you thinking it's funny is not an indication of your loopiness, rather I would argue that it is an indication of your normalcy. Since when are you not laughing at corny jokes?! Glad you made it safely and glad I'm an official blog follower!!

